Tuesday 4 December 2012

Bellatrix Lestrange portrait - Biro

I'm quite proud of this one, I wanted to attempt another portrait in biro but in different colour ink. 

Thursday 26 July 2012

Hi guys

Hi folks sorry I haven't been posting for a while, my scanner's broken -_-
Anyway hope to be getting it sorted soon and post all of the drawings that you've missed, keep coming back,
George  :)

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Mad Hatter in Biro

Have you been considering words that begin with the letter "m" ? 

Sunday 10 June 2012

puppets have always sort of scared me which is why I'm so interested in them :)

Biro Nymph

Biro is underestimated

Breaking Dawn Cover (Biro)

This used up a lot of ink 

Rihanna Biro

A picture I drew in biro pen of Rihanna